En ubehagelig sannhet - arbeid og hviletid
Rapporten som også Dnmf medlemmer har vært delaktig i via intervjuer/spørres undersøkelse skal overleveres IMO i mai. Den vil danne grunnlag for videre arbeid med sikkerhets utfordring nr. 1
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Her er noen av funnene i undersøkelsen:
The analyses of their responses yielded several key findings:
• Fatigue perception: Seafarers identify fatigue as a significant challenge to their safety, health, and well-being. They express the view that the existing regulatory framework is ineffective in alleviating fatigue at sea.
• Daily work, rest, and sleep hours: Seafarers report, on average, working for 11.5 hours, resting for 10.8 hours, and sleeping for 7.0 hours daily. Notably, 28.1% of seafarers acknowledge resting less than 10 hours, thus violating rest hours standards.
• Weekly work hours: Seafarers report working on average 74.9 hours per week, significantly higher than the global 43 hours per week identified by the International Labour Organization (ILO) 2018 General Survey. This underscores a notable disparity in working time between seafaring and other sectors.
• Weekly day off: Seafarers work non-stop. Indeed, 78.3% report not having one full day off during their entire contract period; contradicting the intention of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) Standard A2.3 # paragraph 3.
• Non-compliance with work/rest limits: A noteworthy 88.3% of seafarers admit to exceeding work/rest hours limits at least once a month. Alarmingly, 16.5% exceed the limits more than ten times a month.
• Recordkeeping adjustment: Only 31.6% of seafarers admit to never adjusting their records.
• Reasons for adjustment: The main reasons for adjustment are: first, to avoid non-conformities during inspection (80.2%); second, to avoid problems with the company (75.0%); and third, to gain financial benefits (31.1%).
• Response to non-compliance: Only 50.3% of seafarers report non-compliance to their company. Companies reportedly question or neglect non-compliance reports in most cases. In only 22.4% of cases do companies respond by providing additional crewing.
• Workload challenges: For 87.6% of seafarers, there is an imbalance between work demand and crewing levels.
Seafarers advocate for recognition from companies, flag States and port States regarding work/rest-related challenges. They emphasise the pivotal role of regulatory reforms in manning (crewing) and working time to mitigate the risk of fatigue effectively.
The research team systematically verified the data with the available literature on the topic. Unequivocally, the literature confirms the findings of the survey. Therefore, the study adds a new set of evidence, gained directly from seafarers, to the existing research.
Based on an unprecedented sample size, the survey reinforces previous findings on issues related to seafarers’ fatigue and implementation of work/rest regulations.
Adjusting records of work/rest hours comes at a significant cost to seafarers. This practice conceals their excessive working hours, exacerbating fatigue and impacting their wellbeing, health and safety.
In conclusion, this report serves as a reminder of the need to address this long-standing issue and consider effective regulatory and industry cultural changes