ITF Seafarer Section Committee i Zagreb
Fagsjef Odd Rune Malterud, Chair of ITF Maritime Safety Committee har denne uken deltatt på ITF Seafarer Section Committee møte i Zagreb.
Følgende tema sto på agendaen;
Sustainable Shipping Just Transition
• The position paper on training for decarbonized shipping, co-written with the ICS and the UN Global Compact with contributions from the IMO and ILO;
• The completed study on green skills in shipping done by DNV;
COP27, lobby the IMO process as well as particular governments.
Occupational Safety and Health
Crewing Crisis and Vaccinations for Seafarers
IMO/ILO Taskforce Joint ILO-IMO Tripartite Working Group to identify and address seafarers' issues and the human element.
IMO Update on
• STCW Review;
• Just Transition;
• Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS). The correspondence group sheet is attached as Annex 6 and draft MASS code is attached as Annex 7;
• New energy sources and Alternative Fuels;
• Maritime Safety-Instruction Manual IMO (Annex 8); and
• IMO Exceptional Bravery at Sea Award. The nomination form is attached as Annex 9.
• Adopt the ITF Manning Policy to be endorsed by the Seafarers Section Conference and Fair Practices Committee (FPC) in 2023.
Via storskjerm ble ITF's innlegg og debatter vist fra COP 27 i Egypt