Nautilus Federation-uttalelse om Ukraina
Medlemsorganisasjonene er bekymra for utviklingen i Ukraina. Les en felles uttalelse fra Nautilus Federation her:
Nautilus Federation affiliates are concerned to see the rapidly developing situation across Ukraine.
History has shown that shipping and the maritime industry often finds itself severely impacted by international situations of this type.
As trade union representatives of maritime professionals working in the global maritime and inland waterways industries, we are concerned that our members and other seafarers will find themselves drawn into conflict.
European, transatlantic, and global security of shipping and trade is likely to be threatened by the rapid escalation of events in Ukraine and Russia.
With 90% of global trade carried by sea, we urge governments and global organisations to ensure that merchant seafarers can, without fear, continue to supply the world with food, fuel and other essential goods.
We call on shipowners to:
- endeavour to implement safe, mutually agreeable crew changes in a timely manner;
- comply with any relevant government or industry guidance in place to ensure the
safety of seafarers working on board in affected areas;
- continue to encourage safe onboard working conditions amongst multinational crews;
- draw on good working relations with the International Transport Workers’ Federation and its affiliates to support all affected seafarers.
We remind our members to follow Company procedures relating to security threats to their vessels.
Members seeking support from their Union can find direct contact information here, or out of hours they can contact the Nautilus 24/7 emergency helpline using the following information:
* send an SMS text message to+44 (0)7860 017 119 and we'll get back to you
* email
* Skype (username nautilus-247)
Nautilus Federation
28 February 2022