Faglige spørsmål
Risikovurdering og beredskap i forbindelse med covid-19-pandemien
Alle rederier, skip og sjøfolk skal følge de råd og veiledninger som er gitt av helsemyndigheter og Utenriksdepartementet når det gjelder informasjon om smitte, risiko, sykdom, behandling og vurderinger i forbindelse med reiser eller havneanløp. Les her
Interaktivt beslutningsstøtteverktøy
Norsk senter for maritim medisin og dykkemedisin interaktive beslutningsstøtteverktøy som gir råd om covid-19 om bord. The maritime COVID-19 assessment tool
Information about covid19 at sea
Coronavirus - How to beat it
Filmen skisserer de vanlige symptomene og beskriver viktige forholdsregler man må ta om bord for å minimere spredningen av dette svært smittsomme viruset. Du finner videoen her
ITF - making sure protective equipment against covid-19 is available at your workplace
Health and safety document
Webkurs med faglige og juridiske tema finner du link til i Nyhetsbrevet
Retningslinjer i forbindelse med av- og påmønstring av mannskap i norske havner
Håndtering av skip med mistenkt eller kjent smitte om bord - covid-19
Krav til dokumentasjon ved mannskapsbytte
Den norske regjeringen og 12 andre maritime nasjoner forpliktelser
ITF message to seafarers: Enough is enough, crew change now
Message from ITF Seafarers' Section chair David Heindel
12-step solution for governments to free seafarers from COVID-19 lockdown
Covid-19: Your questions, our answers
Seafarers must be exempt from travel bans, say ICS and ITF
ITF map showing the effect of Covid-19 restrictions
COVID-19 Global Port Restrictions Map
Joint letter on free movement of fishermen
ILO -Treat seafarers with “dignity and respect” during COVID-19 crisis
ECSA ETF EU Schengen visas - crew changes in EU
Paris MoUs oppdaterte retningslinjer for næringen i forbindelse med covid-19
Beyond the Limit - The ITF MSC report
Utviding av fjerntilsyn for ISM, ISPS og MLC
Status of NIS/NOR Circulars and Instructions to Class (IC) rev .2
Sikkerhetsråd for skip i opplag
Paris MoUs oppdaterte retningslinjer for næringen i forbindelse med covid-19
Personlige sertifikater
Tilsyn av nybygg, ombygginger og innflagginger under koronapandemien
Sjøfartsdirektoratet - dispensasjon fra kravet om opplæringsstillinger
IMO Secretary-General issues personal message to seafarers
Annen informasjon
The big discussion was Waiver of the rules of procedure (on IMO video meetings in the future) and Interim guidance to facilitate remote sessions of the Committees during the COVID-19 pandemic.
ITF General Secretary Stephen Cotton presented the MSC's safety contribution to the campaign "Enough is Enough" and gave a clear message that now the government must act to avoid a safety crisis!
From ITF also IMO Accredited Representative Branko Berlan, IMO Liaison Assistant
Jihyeon Gina Kim and Chair ITF MSC Odd Rune Malterud participated
On this meeting also ITF General Secretary Stephen Cotton presented the MSC's safety contribution to the campaign "Enough is Enough" and give a clear message that now the government must act - to avoid a safety crisis!
From ITF also IMO Accredited Representative Branko Berlan, IMO Liaison Assistant
Jihyeon Gina Kim and Chair ITF MSC Odd Rune Malterud participated
Seafarers’ Section Maritime Safety Committee
From 23 to 25 September, the MSC held its annual meeting, for the first time as a video conference. On the agenda were, among other things;
All Members had a short update on events in their country and the activities their unions during the Covid-19 pandemic + state which IMO meetings they attend.
The MSC noted the information provided and consider the way forward regarding ITF websites and Presentation of IMO resources docs
Also noted the information provided on Outcome of MSC SG extraordinary sessions since the outbreak of the pandemic and the outcome of communications between SSC and MSC chairs and Enough is Enough campaign
And information about the others project Human Element, Manning, Ships Automation, and STCW and STCW – F
Approved the terms of reference of Environment and issues affecting seafarer safety WG and researcher and noted the review of MSC / SG TOR’S
Approved a composition of ITF MSC for 2021, elected Chair and Vice chair, approved a composition of ITF MSC SG (the first 6 on the list is also the SG);
Chair Odd Rune Malterud, - NUME (Norway)
Vice Chair Christian Spain, AMO (USA)
Member David Appleton, NIUK (UK)
Member Mikael Huss, MOA (Sweden)
Member Tracey Mayhew, SIU (USA)
Member Kenny Reinhold, SEKO (Sweden)
Member George Quick, IOMMP (USA)
Member Lennart Jonsson, MOA (Sweden)
Member Sergey Aysinov, SUR (Russia)
Member Neven Melvan, SUC (Croatia)
Member Marcel van den Broek, NINL (Netherlands)
Member Oscar Lindgren, MOA (Sweden)
Member James MacDonald, VER.DI (Germany)
Member Dorotea Zec, SUC (Croatia)
Member Klaus Luhta, IOMMP (USA)
Member Zillur Bhuiyan, BMMOA (Bangladesh)
Member Chris Given, SIU (Canada)
Member Peter Geitmann, VER.DI (Germany)
Member Lee Sanghee, FKSU (Korea)
And approved the coverage of IMO meetings in 2021
The ITF MSC is ready for the next session - in IMO and other fora!